UN Water Conference 2023 – Side Event V235: Cooperation and social participation for the water management

Consórcio PCJ and partners will organize  a digital side event during the UN Water Conference 2023 about Cooperation theme. More details is available below:

Title: Cooperation and social participation for the water management

Our partners in the organization of the event:

  • Water Agency of Brazil (ANA);
  • Water Governance Observatory (OGA-Brazil);
  • International Network Basin Organisms (INBO),
  • Brazilian Network Basin Organisms (REBOB);
  • Red Latinoamericana de Organismos de Cuenca (RELOC);
  • Water Consultive Council in Mexico;
  • International Rivers; SOS Mata Atlântica;
  • Federal Prosecution Service;
  • Unesco Brazil;
  • NGO Nosso Vale Nossa Vida;
  • Institution for the defense of indigenous peoples Sapucai Tenonjerã Comission;
  • The Nature Conservancy – TNC,
  • UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro),
  • Secretary of Environment and Sustainability of the State of Rio de Janeiro (SEAS-RJ)


This side event – in digital format – intends to discuss with different sectors of civil society and actors of the water resources management system strategies about challenges in the pursuit for achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda in the face of the challenges imposed for water management which concerns access to quality and quantity water by all social classes, regardless of geographic and economic regions. It is intended to discuss universal access to water that also respects communities of original peoples (indigenous peoples and their importance for the protection of springs) and peripheral regions, often neglected by public planning. Alongside collaborative participation between sectors (government, private, civil society) and through exchanges of experiences through networks, the aim is to discuss commitments so that the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Water Action Decade are clearly committed to actions that seek government commitment to these goals. The side  event will have as speakers, representatives of the following institutions: Networks of Basin Organisms (INBO, RELOC and REBOB), Brazilian National Water Agency (ANA), NGOs (Nosso Vale Nossa Vida, International Rivers and SOS Mata Atlântica), Water Governance Observatory in Brazil, Federal Prosecution Service, UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro) and the institution for the defense of indigenous peoples, the Sapucai Tenonjerã Commission, demonstrating the commitment of these entities to place water as a central theme of public policies. The theme is necessary, especially with the impacts that climate change is affecting the water management in the worldwide and, in particular, the lack of contingency plans for these impacts among management tools in Brazil and Latin America. Adaptations are needed and the importance of monitoring water governance, protection of water sources and engaging civil society in this process will be central to the success of planning actions that will make cities more resilient and still meet the goals of the Water Action Decade.


Registration is open now!

This event will have interpretation from portuguese to english and english to portuguese



23 mar 2023, 8:30 – 10:00  (New York time) 9:30 – 11:00 (Brasília time)


Programming (New York time)

08h30 – Welcome Opening

  • Mario Botion – Consórcio PCJ President
  • Angelo Lima – Executive Secretary of Water Governance Observatory (OGA-Brazil)

08h40 – Introduction

  • Fávio Montiel – International River
  • Samuel Barreto – The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
  • Glauco Kimura – Unesco Brazil

08h50 – Panel 1: The Challenges for Brazilian Water Management

Moderator: Rosa Formiga – UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro)

  • Verônica Sanchez (Gisela Forattini) – Brazil Water Agency (ANA)
  • Marie Ikemoto – Secretary of Environment and Sustainability of the State of Rio de Janeiro (SEAS-RJ)

09h15 – Panel 2: The Role of Civil Society for the Water Universal Access

Moderator: Fatima Casarin – Nosso Vale Nossa Vida NGO

  • Malu Ribeiro – SOS Mata Atlântica
  • Mariana Recfer – Institution for the defense of indigenous peoples Sapucai Tenonjerã Comission

09h35 – Panel 3: The Network of Basin Organizations strength for the cooperation in the water management

Moderator: Lupercio Ziroldo Antônio – Brazil Network of Basin Organization (REBOB)

  • Rémi Boyer – Project manager International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO)
  • Roberto Olivares – Latin America Network of Basin Organization (RELOC)

09h55 – Closing Panel

  • Angelo Lima – Executive Secretary of OGA-Brazil and
  • Francisco Lahóz – Consórcio PCJ Executive Secretary

10h00 – The End

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